The Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society

1996 Harvest Festival

Ardenwood Historic Farm, Fremont, CA

October 19 & 20, 1996

Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society members that participated in this years event include:
Joddie Heavner, Don Marcott, Hal Davis, Suzy Okamura, Gina Fallon, Bobby Fallon, Hans Haselbach, Gara Gross, Earl Gross, Norman Payne, Kristy Comerer and Gregg Comerer .



The 1996 Harvest Festival at Ardenwood Historic Farm in Fremont, California was held October 19 & 20, 1996. This is the first year that the Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society (MDSHS) participated with a display at this popular event.

In June of 1996, MDSHS member Don Marcott was contacted by Ira Bletz of the Ardenwood Regional Preserve, East Bay Regional Park District to set up a display of historic surveying equipment. A committee was formed including Don and member Joddie Heavner to work out the details.

Don reported that the MDSHS display was quite successful. The maps which showed the Patterson properties were a big hit with the public. The festival sponsers estimated over 5,000 to 6,000 people participated this year. The Society is looking forward to attending next year.


Sorry, No photographs of this event at this time.

MDSHS - Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society
is a California non-profit corporation organized under
IRS 501(c)3 (Federal #8916806802, CA 1835904).
Website designed by and maintained by Michael J. Foley, PLS
Page last updated 09/24/2013
Copyright ©2013 MDSHS.