San Ramon Central Park, San Ramon, California 2011 Art & Wind Festival May 29th and 30th, 2011

Please scroll down to view additional information about this event.
On Sunday May 29th and Monday May 30th 2011 (Memorial weekend) the city of San Ramon will be hosting it's 21st annual Art & Wind Festival. The event is held annually at the corner of Bollinger Canyon and Alcosta Boulevard in Central Park. The Art & Wind Festival's popularity has grown over the years and now boasts over 200 arts and craft booths, food courts, info alley, many children activities including kite making, and three entertainment stages all going at once. Many local youth groups will be performing on smaller stages including martial arts demonstrations, dance and tap, gymnastics and musical performances. There will be a lot of kite flying including professional kite flyers demonstrating their skills choreographed to music. On Monday morning at dawn (6am) there will be a hot air balloon launch event with many balloons of all colors. For information about this years event, visit the city's website
This year the MOUNT DIABLO SURVEYORS HISTORICAL SOCIETY (MDSHS) will be co-hosting an information booth with the East Bay Chapter of the California Land Surveyors Association (EBCLSA).
MDSHS will be displaying antique surveying equipment old maps and will hand out flyers describing the history of surveying related to Mount Diablo and answer general questions from the public about the history of surveying. Click here to see photos of the
2009 event.
EBCLSA will be displaying state of the art surveying equipment including Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) survey equipment, Robotic "Total Station" surveying equipment as well as demonstrating how the equipment is used.
EBCLSA will also be showing several educational DVDs about the exciting world of surveying including information about educational opportunities, including scholarships available at both 4-year University Programs which offer B.S. Degrees in Geomatics (Surveying) as well as 2-year Certificate Programs in Geomatics (Surveying). Handouts from many of these schools including Oregon Institute of Technology, California State University Fresno, Evergreen Valley College, Santa Rosa Jr. College and others will be given out to the public, so bring those kids!
Additionally members from both organizations will be talking with the public about how the Profession serves them and the important role that Surveyors provide to Society. Many of the Docents present will be licensed practicing Professional Land Surveyors.
Thanks must go out to Michael J. Foley for being the event Chairman for both MDSHS and EBCLSA.

Please find additional information about this years event below.
Click here to see 2011 entertainment schedule
Look for our booths in "Info Alley"
Click here to see map of the festival
Click here to see photos of the
2011 event.
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IRS 501(c)3 (Federal #8916806802, CA 1835904).
Website designed by and maintained by Michael J. Foley, PLS
Page last updated May 21, 2011
Copyright ©2011 MDSHS.