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In a corporative effort the Contra Costa County Surveyor Section and the Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society have mounted a joint display case for public viewing of historicl surveying equipment.
The display case is in the front lobby of the Contra Costa County Public Works Department building. As you enter through the front doors, the case is on your left, before the lobby widens out. MDSHS members Keith Nofield, PLS and Ray Zwemmer, PLS set up this display some years ago. The items in the case on the left is entirely County items, while the case on the right is MDSHS property.
The County Surveyor Section includes Surveys, Right of Way Engineering, and Map Checking. The Survey Section provides field and office support including topographic and property surveys, data reduction, surface generation, and construction staking on projects. The Right of Way Engineering Section prepares right of way maps and legal descriptions for property acquisitions. The Map Checking Section reviews Final Maps, Parcel Maps, Records of Survey and Corner Records for compliance with appropriate laws pertaining to each map.
The Records Section staff indexes and maintains records for the Public Works Department. They also compile and update road logs by adding mileage of newly accepted roads and deleting mileage removed from County control. The staff also provides assistance by researching and answering questions regarding County roads and surveys, and researching records and drawings.
To visit the Contra Costa County Surveyor Section's website, click here:
The Engineering Services Division is responsible for the coordination of infrastructure activities in the development process. The Division includes the: Current Planning Staff, Development Processing Section Staff, County Surveyor/Records Section Staff, Special Districts Staff and the Environmental Unit Staff.
For information about Contra Costa County Public Works Department Engineering Services division, visit their website at:
Thanks must go out to MDSHS members Keith Nofield, PLS, Ray Zwemmer, PLS and Jim Stein, PLS (Current County Surveyor) for setting up and maintaining this public display.
Scroll down to view photos of the display.
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In this photo the display case is on the right in the front lobby of the Contra Costa County Public Works Department building. Ray Zwemmer finds some interesting reading on the wall opposite the display case.
Rene (Ray) Zwemmer, Contra Costa County, Deputy County Road Commissioner-Surveyor (Ret.) standing by to present historic surveying equipment on display in the joint County/MDSHS display cabinet. Many of the items in the County's case are from Ray's personal collection.
The display case is up against the wall in the lobby
County/Ray's equipment on the left. The Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society's equipment on the right.

Close up look at the Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society equipment on display. The display is updated periodically, so these items may have been "rotated out" and replaced with other equipment.
Photographs by MDSHS member Jim Stein © 2008 MDSHS
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Website designed by and maintained by Michael J. Foley, PLS Page last edited: March 3, 2013
Copyright ©2009 MDSHS.